2023年10月Web of Science最新成果发布




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本期文献信息索引时间为2023.10.01——2023.10.31,检索日期为2023.10.31,默认来源为Web of Science核心合集,本期共36篇。


 1、标题: On the maximum Graovac-Pisanski index of bicyclic graphs

作者: Lu, J (Lu, Jian); Wang, ZX (Wang, Zhongxiang)

来源出版物: AIMS MATHEMATICS  : 8  : 10  : 24914-24928  

 DOI: 10.3934/math.20231270  出版年: 2023  

入藏号: WOS:001061777100001

 2、标题: New nanomaterials for the design of sport equipment

作者: Yuan, JF (Yuan Jifang); Chen, JG (Chen Jianguo); Xu, Y (Xu Yong)

来源出版物: PRZEMYSL CHEMICZNY  : 102  : 8  : 783-794  

 DOI: 10.15199/62.2023.8.1  出版年: AUG 2023  

入藏号: WOS:001061036000028

 3、标题: Optimization algorithms for light pollution management based on TOPSIS-non-linear regularization model

作者: Zhou, ZH (Zhou, Ze-Han); Cao, HL (Cao, Hui-Ling); Feng, TY (Feng, Tong-Yue); Zhu, JM (Zhu, Jia-Ming)

来源出版物: FRONTIERS IN ENERGY RESEARCH  : 11  文献号: 1242010  

 DOI: 10.3389/fenrg.2023.1242010  出版年: OCT 6 2023  

入藏号: WOS:001085957800001

 4、标题: Company ESG performance and institutional investor ownership preferences

作者: Wei, L (Wei, Li); Chengshu, W (Chengshu, Wu)


 DOI: 10.1111/beer.12602  提前访问日期: SEP 2023   

入藏号: WOS:001068450000001

 5、标题: Inhomogeneous multiplicative Diophantine approximation on matrix approximation

作者: Zhang, Y (Zhang, Yuan); Wang, WL (Wang, Weiliang); Li, L (Li, Lu)

来源出版物: PUBLICATIONES MATHEMATICAE DEBRECEN  : 103  : 1-2  : 79-96  DOI: 10.5486/PMD.2023.9393  出版年: 2023  

入藏号: WOS:001072906700004

 6、标题: Does environmental regulation affect stock price crash?-Evidence from polluting firms in China

作者: Xu, G (Xu, Gang)


 DOI: 10.1007/s10668-023-03928-0  提前访问日期: OCT 2023   

入藏号: WOS:001079902300001

 7、标题: The spatial group and cyclic oscillations caused by the power correlation between the moving direction and the phase of a moving oscillator

作者: Ling, X (Ling, Xiang); Liu, QY (Liu, Qing-Yang); Hua, X (Hua, Xia); Zhu, KJ (Zhu, Kong-Jin); Guo, N (Guo, Ning); Chen, JJ (Chen, Jia-Jia)


: 629  文献号: 129178  DOI: 10.1016/j.physa.2023.129178  提前访问日期: SEP 2023   出版年: NOV 1 2023  

入藏号: WOS:001084146300001

 8、标题: Venture capital shareholding, tolerance for technological innovation failure, and technological innovation performance: evidence from China

作者: Li, G (Li, Guang); Liu, YL (Liu, Yulong); Zhang, QQ (Zhang, Qiqi)


 DOI: 10.1080/16081625.2023.2268140  提前访问日期: OCT 2023   

入藏号: WOS:001081695300001

 9、标题: An Analysis of Factors Influencing Chinese University Students' Major Choice from the Perspective of Gender Differences

作者: Xu, C (Xu, Chang); Xiang, FT (Xiang, Futao); Duan, RQ (Duan, Ruiqi); Miralles-Cardona, C (Miralles-Cardona, Cristina); Huo, XX (Huo, Xinxin); Xu, JW (Xu, Junwei)

来源出版物: SUSTAINABILITY  : 15  : 18  文献号: 14037  DOI: 10.3390/su151814037  出版年: SEP 2023  

入藏号: WOS:001074375000001

 10、标题: Weight prediction and recognition of latent subject terms based on the fusion of explicit & implicit information about keyword

作者: Li, SQ (Li, Shuqing); Jiang, MF (Jiang, Mingfeng); Jiang, WW (Jiang, Weiwei); Huang, JW (Huang, Jingwang); Zhang, H (Zhang, Hu); Zhang, ZW (Zhang, Zhiwang)


: 126  文献号: 107161  DOI: 10.1016/j.engappai.2023.107161  子辑: D  出版年: NOV 2023  

入藏号: WOS:001082510200001

 11、标题: Identification and Simulation of the Influencing Factors of Private Capital Participation in Urban and Rural Infrastructure Transformation Based on System Dynamics

作者: Chen, H (Chen, Hui); Zhu, YX (Zhu, Yuxuan); Du, XQ (Du, Xiaoqing); Yan, H (Yan, Hong); Fu, GH (Fu, Guanghui)

来源出版物: BUILDINGS  : 13  : 9  文献号: 2327  DOI: 10.3390/buildings13092327  出版年: SEP 2023  

入藏号: WOS:001073372200001

 12、标题: Internet Addiction and Academic Anxiety Among Chinese College Students During COVID-19: The Role of Contract

作者: Chen, SC (Chen, Shengchen); Wang, WH (Wang, Weihua)


: 16  : 3949-3962  DOI: 10.2147/PRBM.S428599  出版年: 2023  

入藏号: WOS:001082788800001

 13、标题: The effects of external supervision on firm-level environmental innovation in China: Are they substantive or strategic?

作者: Liao, ZJ (Liao, Zhongju); Chen, J (Chen, Jie); Weng, C (Weng, Chen); Zhu, CB (Zhu, Cunbin)

来源出版物: ECONOMIC ANALYSIS AND POLICY  : 80  : 267-277  

 DOI: 10.1016/j.eap.2023.08.016  提前访问日期: SEP 2023   出版年: DEC 2023  

入藏号: WOS:001077379400001

 14、标题: Electromagnetic-mechanical coupling analysis of high-temperature superconducting racetrack coil

作者: Yu, LY (Yu, Liuyuan); Niu, MD (Niu, Mengdie); Yong, HD (Yong, Huadong); Zhou, YH (Zhou, Youhe)


: 36  : 11  文献号: 115008  DOI: 10.1088/1361-6668/acf68c  出版年: NOV 1 2023  

入藏号: WOS:001065911100001

 15、标题: Investment strategies of information-provision technology in the platform-based supply chain

作者: Tian, X (Tian, Xu); Wang, MZ (Wang, Mingzheng); Xu, Y (Xu, Yang)

来源出版物: NAVAL RESEARCH LOGISTICS  DOI: 10.1002/nav.22155  提前访问日期: OCT 2023   

入藏号: WOS:001076671100001

 16、标题: The impact of family functioning on depression in college students: A moderated mediation model

作者: Chen, BL (Chen, Baoling); Wang, WW (Wang, Weiwei); Yang, SL (Yang, Shanlin)

来源出版物: JOURNAL OF AFFECTIVE DISORDERS  : 340  : 448-455  

 DOI: 10.1016/j.jad.2023.08.047  出版年: NOV 1 2023  

入藏号: WOS:001065344200001

 17、标题: Deep learning strategy for small dataset from atomic force microscopy mechano-imaging on macrophages phenotypes

作者: Wu, H (Wu, Hao); Zhang, L (Zhang, Lei); Zhao, BL (Zhao, Banglei); Yang, WJ (Yang, Wenjie); Galluzzi, M (Galluzzi, Massimiliano)


 DOI: 10.3389/fbioe.2023.1259979  出版年: OCT 4 2023  

入藏号: WOS:001084204500001

 18、标题: A model and simulation study of developers' multicontract incentives for contractors' green technology innovation decisions considering marketing efforts and innovation capability

作者: Qian, YM (Qian, Yingmiao); Yu, XA (Yu, Xian-an); Chen, XL (Chen, Xueli); Song, ML (Song, Malin)

来源出版物: ENERGY & ENVIRONMENT  DOI: 10.1177/0958305X231205022  提前访问日期: OCT 2023   

入藏号: WOS:001082916900001

 19、标题: Approximation of distribution-independent and distribution-dependent stochastic differential equations with singular drifts

作者: Zhu, M (Zhu, Min); Liu, DZ (Liu, Dezhi)

来源出版物: COMMUNICATIONS IN NONLINEAR SCIENCE AND NUMERICAL SIMULATION  : 127  文献号: 107515  DOI: 10.1016/j.cnsns.2023.107515  提前访问日期: SEP 2023   出版年: DEC 2023  

入藏号: WOS:001082256900001

 20、标题: Rank estimation for the function-on-scalar model

作者: Sun, J (Sun, Jun); Zhao, MT (Zhao, Mingtao); Li, N (Li, Ning); Yang, J (Yang, Jing)

来源出版物: COMPUTATIONAL STATISTICS  DOI: 10.1007/s00180-023-01414-9  提前访问日期: SEP 2023   

入藏号: WOS:001068131700001

 21、标题: Paying attention in metaverse: an experiment on spatial attention allocation in extended reality shopping

作者: Chen, J (Chen, Juan); Xi, NN (Xi, Nannan); Pohjonen, V (Pohjonen, Vilma); Hamari, J (Hamari, Juho)

来源出版物: INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY & PEOPLE  : 36  : 8  : 255-283  

 DOI: 10.1108/ITP-09-2021-0674  出版年: SEP 19 2023  

入藏号: WOS:001068905300001

 22、标题: The effect of human educational capital on health entitlement acquisition among migrant workers in China: evidence from the 2018 China Migrants Dynamic Survey

作者: Chen, H (Chen, Hong); Chen, CP (Chen, Chien-Ping); Jin, W (Jin, Wang); Wang, YY (Wang, Yangyang); Qin, LJ (Qin, Lijian)

来源出版物: CHINA AGRICULTURAL ECONOMIC REVIEW  DOI: 10.1108/CAER-03-2023-0059  提前访问日期: OCT 2023   

入藏号: WOS:001082317100001

 23、标题: New evidence on the impact of No-tillage management on agricultural carbon emissions

作者: Tian, Y (Tian, Yuan); Pu, CX (Pu, Chenxi); Wu, GH (Wu, Guanghao)


 DOI: 10.1007/s11356-023-29721-0  提前访问日期: SEP 2023   

入藏号: WOS:001070226300016

 24、标题: Morphological changes, He desorption behaviors, and He bubble evolution of He-charged Cu films prepared by DC magnetron sputtering during annealing

作者: Zhao, BL (Zhao, Banglei); Wang, L (Wang, Le); Xu, Y (Xu, Yao); Li, XY (Li, Xianyu)

来源出版物: VACUUM  : 218  文献号: 112602  DOI: 10.1016/j.vacuum.2023.112602  出版年: DEC 2023  

入藏号: WOS:001082517900001

 25、标题: Has enterprise digital transformation facilitated the carbon performance in Industry 4.0 era? Evidence from Chinese industrial enterprises

作者: Wang, SY (Wang, Shanyong); Zhang, RW (Zhang, Rongwei); Yang, YJ (Yang, Yejun); Chen, JS (Chen, Jiusong); Yang, S (Yang, Shu)

来源出版物: COMPUTERS & INDUSTRIAL ENGINEERING  : 184  文献号: 109576  

 DOI: 10.1016/j.cie.2023.109576  出版年: OCT 2023  

入藏号: WOS:001073618300001

 26、标题: Impulsive consensus of nonlinear multi-agent systems with input and state saturation constraints

作者: Jiang, XW (Jiang, Xiaowei); Zhang, N (Zhang, Ni); Li, B (Li, Bo); Zhang, XH (Zhang, Xianhe)

来源出版物: CHAOS SOLITONS & FRACTALS  : 174  文献号: 113904  

 DOI: 10.1016/j.chaos.2023.113904  出版年: SEP 2023  

入藏号: WOS:001075257400001

 27、标题: Monitoring Technologies, Environmental Performance, and Health Outcomes: Evidence from China

作者: Hu, ZL (Hu, Zhilin); Li, HY (Li, Haoyang); Lin, LG (Lin, Liguo); Sun, W (Sun, Wei); Zhou, MG (Zhou, Maigeng)

来源出版物: JOURNAL OF THE ASSOCIATION OF ENVIRONMENTAL AND RESOURCE ECONOMISTS  : 10  : 6  : 1581-1622  DOI: 10.1086/725111  出版年: NOV 1 2023  

入藏号: WOS:001084006800001

 28、标题: How good is green finance for green innovation? Evidence from the Chinese high-carbon sector

作者: Ma, LA (Ma, Lina); Iqbal, N (Iqbal, Najaf); Bouri, E (Bouri, Elie); Zhang, Y (Zhang, Yang)

来源出版物: RESOURCES POLICY  : 85  文献号: 104047  

 DOI: 10.1016/j.resourpol.2023.104047  子辑: B  出版年: AUG 2023  

入藏号: WOS:001069123200001

 29、标题: Towards energy conservation by constructing more transportation infrastructure?: An endogenous stochastic frontier analysis framework

作者: Tan, RP (Tan, Ruipeng); Cui, LB (Cui, Lianbiao); Meng, XH (Meng, Xiaohua); Xu, MM (Xu, Mengmeng)

来源出版物: JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT  : 346  文献号: 118992  DOI: 10.1016/j.jenvman.2023.118992  出版年: NOV 15 2023  

入藏号: WOS:001081099300001

 30、标题: Assessing the sustainability of natural resources using the five forces and value chain combined models: The influence of solar energy development

作者: Zeng, B (Zeng, Bing); Fahad, S (Fahad, Shah); Bai, DB (Bai, Dongbei); Zhang, JS (Zhang, Jisheng); Isik, C (Isik, Cem)

来源出版物: RESOURCES POLICY  : 86  文献号: 104079  

 DOI: 10.1016/j.resourpol.2023.104079  提前访问日期: SEP 2023   子辑: A  出版年: OCT 2023  

入藏号: WOS:001070772600001

 31、标题: How does stakeholder loss aversion affect the promotion of green housing?

作者: Li, QW (Li, Qianwen); Qian, TY (Qian, Tingyu); Zhang, XF (Zhang, Xufeng); Long, RY (Long, Ruyin); Chen, H (Chen, Hong); Huang, H (Huang, Han); Liu, L (Liu, Lei); Zhu, LC (Zhu, Licai); Jiang, HK (Jiang, Huikang); Zhu, HY (Zhu, Hanyi)

来源出版物: ECONOMIC ANALYSIS AND POLICY  : 80  : 647-668  

 DOI: 10.1016/j.eap.2023.09.015  提前访问日期: SEP 2023   出版年: DEC 2023  

入藏号: WOS:001083150500001

 32、标题: A two-stage interval-valued carbon price forecasting model based on bivariate empirical mode decomposition and error correction

作者: Wang, P (Wang, Piao); Chudhery, MAZ (Chudhery, Muhammad Adnan Zahid); Xu, JL (Xu, Jilan); Zhao, X (Zhao, Xin); Wang, C (Wang, Chen)

来源出版物: ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE AND POLLUTION RESEARCH  : 30  : 32  : 78262-78278  DOI: 10.1007/s11356-023-27822-4  出版年: JUL 2023  

入藏号: WOS:001061180900038

 33、标题: Interoperability of the revolutionary blockchain architectures and Islamic and conventional technology markets: Case of Metaverse, HPB, and Bloknet

作者: Zhao, X (Zhao, Xin); Asl, MG (Asl, Mahdi Ghaemi); Rashidi, MM (Rashidi, Muhammad Mahdi); Vasa, L (Vasa, Lasszlo); Shahzad, U (Shahzad, Umer)

来源出版物: QUARTERLY REVIEW OF ECONOMICS AND FINANCE  : 92  : 112-131  DOI: 10.1016/j.qref.2023.09.001  提前访问日期: SEP 2023   出版年: DEC 2023  

入藏号: WOS:001082275600001

 34、标题: Porter in China: A quasi-experimental view of market-based environmental regulation effects on firm performance

作者: Dagestani, A (Dagestani, Abd Alwahed); Shang, YP (Shang, Yuping); Schneider, N (Schneider, Nicolas); Cifuentes-Faura, J (Cifuentes-Faura, Javier); Zhao, X (Zhao, Xin)

来源出版物: ENERGY ECONOMICS  : 126  文献号: 106966  

 DOI: 10.1016/j.eneco.2023.106966  提前访问日期: AUG 2023   出版年: OCT 2023  

入藏号: WOS:001071542600001

 35、标题: Intergovernmental environmental affairs division and environmental public services supply: Evidence from 289 cities in China

作者: Li, GX (Li, Guoxiang); Zong, QQ (Zong, Qingqing); Chen, XL (Chen, Xueli); Song, ML (Song, Malin)

来源出版物: ENERGY & ENVIRONMENT  DOI: 10.1177/0958305X231201974  提前访问日期: SEP 2023   

入藏号: WOS:001079187900001

 36、标题: A new class of generalized almost perfect nonlinear monomial functions

作者: Zheng, LJ (Zheng, Lijing); Kan, HB (Kan, Haibin); Peng, J (Peng, Jie); Li, YJ (Li, Yanjun); Zheng, YB (Zheng, Yanbin)

来源出版物: INFORMATION PROCESSING LETTERS  : 184  文献号: 106445  

 DOI: 10.1016/j.ipl.2023.106445  提前访问日期: SEP 2023   出版年: FEB 2024  

入藏号: WOS:001084246800001

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