2024年9月Web of Science最新成果发布



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本期文献信息索引日期为2024.09.01——2024.09.30,检索日期为2024.10.08,默认来源为Web of Science核心合集,本期共23篇。


 1、标题: Weighted Secrecy Sum Rate Optimization for Simultaneously Transmitting and Reflecting Reconfigurable Intelligent Surface-Assisted Multiple-Input Single-Output Systems

作者: Wu, BL (Wu, Baoliang); Wu, Y (Wu, Yue)

来源出版物: APPLIED SCIENCES-BASEL  : 14  : 17  文献号: 7932  

DOI: 10.3390/app14177932  Published Date: 2024 SEP  

入藏号: WOS:001311177300001

eISSN: 2076-3417

2、标题: Responsible leadership and employee ethical voice: mediating role of ethical efficacy and moderating role of moral identity

作者: Han, ZY (Han, Zhiyong); Zhu, ZY (Zhu, Ziye); Wang, D (Wang, Dan); Wei, W (Wei, Wei)

来源出版物: CURRENT PSYCHOLOGY  DOI: 10.1007/s12144-024-06564-7  Early Access Date: AUG 2024  Published Date: 2024 AUG 30  

入藏号: WOS:001303281400002

ISSN: 1046-1310   eISSN: 1936-4733

 3、标题: Can the construction of smart cities promote the capital allocation efficiency: Evidence from China

作者: Cui, SH (Cui, Shuhui); Li, GQ (Li, Guangqin); Liu, JS (Liu, Jiashu)


DOI: 10.1016/j.techfore.2024.123677  Early Access Date: AUG 2024  Published Date: 2024 NOV  

入藏号: WOS:001300061200001

ISSN: 0040-1625   eISSN: 1873-5509

 4、标题: Impact of informal employment on individuals' psychological well-being: microevidence from China

作者: Zhou, DS (Zhou, Deshui); Zhang, QQ (Zhang, Qingqing); Li, JS (Li, Jingshan)

来源出版物: INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MENTAL HEALTH SYSTEMS  : 18  : 1  文献号: 29  DOI: 10.1186/s13033-024-00648-4  Published Date: 2024 SEP 14  

入藏号: WOS:001312132100001

PubMed ID: 39277759

ISSN: 1752-4458

 5、标题: Enhancing water security: Statistical measurement and spatiotemporal analysis

作者: Du, JT (Du, Juntao); Wang, SW (Wang, Shengwu); Chen, XL (Chen, Xueli); Song, ML (Song, Malin)

来源出版物: ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH  : 262  文献号: 119915  

DOI: 10.1016/j.envres.2024.119915  Published Date: 2024 DEC 1  子辑: 2  

入藏号: WOS:001313476800001

PubMed ID: 39237015

ISSN: 0013-9351   eISSN: 1096-0953

 6、标题: Chinese Educators Adoption of Multimedia Tools for Teaching: A Cross-sectional Research on Beijing Population

作者: Wang, B (Wang, Bing); Wang, JL (Wang, Jinling)

来源出版物: PROFESIONAL DE LA INFORMACION  : 33  : 2  文献号: e330214  DOI: 10.3145/epi.2024.0214  Published Date: 2024   

入藏号: WOS:001292910300014

ISSN: 1386-6710   eISSN: 1699-2407

 7、标题: The impact of platform leadership on employee bootleg innovation: a verification of a moderated dual path model

作者: Huang, DJ (Huang, Dujuan); Sun, T (Sun, Tao); Zhu, TQ (Zhu, Tongqing); You, XY (You, Xiaoyue)

来源出版物: CURRENT PSYCHOLOGY  DOI: 10.1007/s12144-024-06693-z  Early Access Date: SEP 2024  Published Date: 2024 SEP 21  

入藏号: WOS:001316838300006

ISSN: 1046-1310   eISSN: 1936-4733

 8、标题: Sustainable Collaboration and Incentive Policies for the Integration of Professional Education and Innovation and Entrepreneurship Education (IPEIEE)

作者: Chen, H (Chen, Hui); Fu, GH (Fu, Guanghui); Wu, HQ (Wu, Huiqin); Xiao, Y (Xiao, Yao); Nie, X (Nie, Xuan); Zhao, WJ (Zhao, Wenjin)

来源出版物: SUSTAINABILITY  : 16  : 17  文献号: 7558  DOI: 10.3390/su16177558  Published Date: 2024 SEP  

入藏号: WOS:001313156100001

eISSN: 2071-1050

9、标题: Leveraging Off-the-Shelf WiFi for Contactless Activity Monitoring

作者: Zhu, ZX (Zhu, Zixuan); Liu, W (Liu, Wei); Zhang, H (Zhang, Hao); Lu, JH (Lu, Jinhu)

来源出版物: ELECTRONICS  :13  :17  文献号:3351  

DOI: 10.3390/electronics13173351  Published Date: 2024 SEP  

入藏号: WOS:001311066100001

eISSN: 2079-9292

 10、标题: How Expectations and Trust in Telemedicine Contribute to Older Adults' Sense of Control: An Empirical Study

作者: Niu, SY (Niu, Siyu); Hong, WJ (Hong, Wenjia); Ma, YM (Ma, Yiming)

来源出版物: HEALTHCARE  : 12  : 17  文献号: 1685  

DOI: 10.3390/healthcare12171685  Published Date: 2024 SEP  

入藏号: WOS:001310913800001

PubMed ID: 39273710

eISSN: 2227-9032

 11、标题: Guest editorial: Navigating the role of circular economy in entrepreneurship: opportunities and challenges - part one

作者: Mardani, A (Mardani, Abbas); Song, ML (Song, Malin); Jabbour, CJC (Jabbour, Charbel Jose Chiappetta); Saen, RF (Saen, Reza Farzipoor)

来源出版物: MANAGEMENT DECISION  : 62  : 8  特刊: SI  : 2329-2339  DOI: 10.1108/MD-08-2024-221  Published Date: 2024 AUG 27  

入藏号: WOS:001298693700004

Farzipoor Saen, Reza L-2958-2013 0000-0002-0851-6509 

ISSN: 0025-1747   eISSN: 1758-6070

 12、标题: The impact of supply chain revamping announcements on shareholder value

作者: Zhan, XR (Zhan, Xinrui); Mu, YP (Mu, Yinping); Su, JF (Su, Jiafu)

来源出版物: MANAGEMENT DECISION  DOI: 10.1108/MD-08-2023-1395  Early Access Date: SEP 2024  Published Date: 2024 SEP 18  

入藏号: WOS:001313085000001

ISSN: 0025-1747  eISSN: 1758-6070

 13、标题: Choose a mobile application or mobile website? Different effects of mobile channels on direct and indirect sales

作者: Zhang, XT (Zhang, Xueting); Wang, F (Wang, Feng); Cao, X (Cao, Xia)

来源出版物: JOURNAL OF RETAILING AND CONSUMER SERVICES  : 81  文献号: 104060  DOI: 10.1016/j.jretconser.2024.104060  Early Access Date: AUG 2024  Published Date: 2024 NOV  

入藏号: WOS:001304125400001

ISSN: 0969-6989  eISSN: 1873-1384

 14、标题: Roles of AI: Financing selection for regretful SMEs in e-commerce supply chains

作者: Yao, X (Yao, Xin); Li, XY (Li, Xiyan); Mangla, SK (Mangla, Sachin Kumar); Song, ML (Song, Malin)


DOI: 10.1016/j.tre.2024.103649  Published Date: 2024 SEP  

入藏号: WOS:001320317600001

ISSN: 1366-5545  eISSN: 1878-5794

 15、标题: OptiCloak: Blinding Vision-Based Autonomous Driving Systems Through Adversarial Optical Projection

作者: Wen, HX (Wen, Huixiang); Chang, S (Chang, Shan); Zhou, L (Zhou, Luo); Liu, W (Liu, Wei); Zhu, HZ (Zhu, Hongzi)

来源出版物: IEEE INTERNET OF THINGS JOURNAL  : 11  : 17  : 28931-28944  DOI: 10.1109/JIOT.2024.3405006  Published Date: 2024 SEPT 1  

入藏号: WOS:001300634000040

ISSN: 2327-4662

 16、标题: Effects of customer inoculation on artificial intelligence service failure

作者: Meng, L (Meng, Lu (Monroe)); Chen, JQ (Chen, Jiuqi); Yang, MY (Yang, Mengya); Wang, YJ (Wang, Yijie)


DOI: 10.1108/IJCHM-01-2024-0140  Early Access Date: SEP 2024  Published Date: 2024 SEP 24  

入藏号: WOS:001317356200001

ISSN: 0959-6119  eISSN: 1757-1049

 17、标题: Who should pay for the return freight in e-commerce? Platforms, retailers or consumers

作者: Wang, X (Wang, Xu); Xu, Y (Xu, Yang); Choi, TM (Choi, Tsan-Ming); Zhou, Q (Zhou, Qiang)

来源出版物: INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PRODUCTION ECONOMICS  : 277  文献号: 109375  DOI: 10.1016/j.ijpe.2024.109375  Early Access Date: SEP 2024  Published Date: 2024 NOV  

入藏号: WOS:001306815200001

ISSN: 0925-5273   eISSN: 1873-7579

 18、标题: Farmers as prosumers: Evidence from cadmium-contaminated rice in China

作者: Zhou, L (Zhou, Li); Liu, B (Liu, Bei); Liu, ZZ (Liu, Zongzhi); Zhao, JH (Zhao, Jinhua)


DOI: 10.1111/ajae.12497  Early Access Date: SEP 2024  Published Date: 2024 SEP 18  

入藏号: WOS:001314699500001

ISSN: 0002-9092  eISSN: 1467-8276

 19、标题: ESG Ratings and Dividend Changes: Evidence From the Initiation of Nonfinancial Agency Coverage

作者: Tsang, A (Tsang, Albert); Wang, YJ (Wang, Yujie); Xiang, Y (Xiang, Yi); Yu, L (Yu, Li)


DOI: 10.1111/corg.12615  Early Access Date: SEP 2024  Published Date: 2024 SEP 12  

入藏号: WOS:001311263900001

ISSN: 0964-8410  eISSN: 1467-8683

 20、标题: Output Tracking and Regulation of Networked Control Systems Under Finite Bandwidth Constraints and Its Applications

作者: Jiang, XW (Jiang, Xiaowei); Li, JH (Li, Jianhao); Li, B (Li, Bo); Wang, YW (Wang, Yan-Wu); Huang, TW (Huang, Tingwen)

来源出版物: IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON AUTOMATIC CONTROL  : 69  : 9  : 6490-6497  DOI: 10.1109/TAC.2024.3388296  Published Date: 2024 SEP  

入藏号: WOS:001302507600018

ISSN: 0018-9286  eISSN: 1558-2523

 21、标题: Role of energy natural resource productivity and environmental taxation in controlling environmental pollution: Policy-based analysis for regions

作者: Zhao, X (Zhao, Xin); Zhai, GQ (Zhai, Guoqing); Ma, XW (Ma, Xiaowei); Mohammed, KS (Mohammed, Kamel Si); Bilan, Y (Bilan, Yuriy); Nassani, AA (Nassani, Abdelmohsen A.)

来源出版物: GEOLOGICAL JOURNAL  DOI: 10.1002/gj.5047  Early Access Date: AUG 2024  Published Date: 2024 AUG 26  

入藏号: WOS:001297483100001

ISSN: 0072-1050  eISSN: 1099-1034

 22、标题: Digital finance and sustainable development: Evidence from developing nations

作者: Bakry, W (Bakry, Walid); Nghiem, XH (Nghiem, Xuan-Hoa); Bhatti, MI (Bhatti, Muhammad Ishaq); Al-Mohamad, S (Al-Mohamad, Somar); Cui, LB (Cui, Lianbiao)

来源出版物: SCIENCE PROGRESS  : 107  : 3  文献号: 00368504241278823  

DOI: 10.1177/00368504241278823  Published Date: 2024 JUL  

入藏号: WOS:001313807100001

PubMed ID: 39267418

ISSN: 0036-8504  eISSN: 2047-7163

 23、标题: Contributions of climate smart agriculture toward climate change adaptation and food security: The case of Mazandaran Province, Iran

作者: Goli, I (Goli, Imaneh); Kriauciuniene, Z (Kriauciuniene, Zita); Zhang, R (Zhang, Ru); Bijani, M (Bijani, Masoud); Koohi, PK (Koohi, Pourya Kabir); Rostamkalaei, SA (Rostamkalaei, Seyed Amirreza); Lopez-Carr, D (Lopez-Carr, David); Azadi, H (Azadi, Hossein)

来源出版物: TRENDS IN FOOD SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY  : 152  文献号: 104653  

DOI: 10.1016/j.tifs.2024.104653  Early Access Date: AUG 2024  Published Date: 2024 OCT  

入藏号: WOS:001303766400001 

ISSN: 0924-2244   eISSN: 1879-3053

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